With the rush back to school, it is important to make sure that your favorite online school calendar is up-to-date. Here is a quick list of items to check before school starts:
1. TandemCal URL: Be sure that you are using the new UI for your calendar. To find the new version, just replace ___________.intand.com with _____________.tandemcal.com.
2. Import Events: Be sure to use the mass import feature of Tandem when adding school events and you will save your self some precious time.
3. Add new users: Do you have new staff and parents that need to use the calendar? Again, use the mass import function to save yourself time or have individuals add themselves.
4. Sync w/Athletic Scheduler: Does your athletic director use a separate program to manage athletics? Contact our support team to have those events automatically added to your school calendar.
5. Approval System: The beginning of the school year is a great time to review your approval system and to make sure it still is meeting your needs.