Archive for December, 2013

Hey, look at that! A new Tandem website!

We hope you enjoy our new, responsive website. We’ve been working on our design to automatically format the size based on the devise that you are using: a laptop, tablet or mobile phone. So, whatever device you’re reading this on, it should look great! And, if it doesn’t… please let us know 🙂

Also, we’re happy to announce that we’ve acquired the url, which for the time being, with re-direct to But, over time, we will be transitioning to the website, because… well, basically, it’s just better. What’s the name of our app? Tandem! And now, what is the name of our website?! Hooray for shorter urls!

We wish everyone out there in school-land a Merry (upcoming) Christmas!

Happy scheduling with Tandem!